Saturday 11 June 2016

Mobile survey and aerial mapping workshop

Flashback to the 2015 mobile survey and aerial mapping workshop given to the Canadian Field Studies in Africa course- Terat Tanzania. Thanks to Pablo and Oliver for making the workshop a success!

Sunday 5 June 2016

Fine scale 3D UAV reconstruction of Mer Bleue

First fine scale (0.5 cm) 3D reconstruction of the Mer Bleue peatland from UAV imagery.

Saturday 4 June 2016

New method for calculating distances in fluvial networks!

New method for calculating distances along fluvial networks published!

Webster K., Arroyo-Mora J.P., Coomes O.T., Takasaki, Y., Abizaid C. 2016 A cost path and network analysis methodology to calculate distances along a complex river network in the Peruvian Amazon Applied Geography 73:13-25